My work focuses on performing high-resolution large-eddy simulations (LES) and analyzing dynamic and thermodynamic properties of the individual clouds. Optimizing numerical techniques used to analyze the large dynamic and thermodynamic dataset also occupies a large portion of my work.
A cloud field can be considered as a very peculiar type of big data, where the entire dataset is huge, but made up of small (and often insufficient) bits of information. We use a number of numerical techniques and algorithms to study moist convection at the scales of individual clouds, in order to construct a fully resolved model of turbulent mixing processes.
2008 - 2012
University of British Columbia
Combined Honours in Computer Science and Physics
2012 - 2014
McGill University
M.Sc. in Atmospheric Sciences
2014 - now
University of British Columbia
Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences
Some of my public, open-source projects. Mostly written in Python.
Analysis of fractal properties observed in individual boundary-layer cumulus clouds, modelled by a high-resolution large-eddy simulation.
Atmospheric Science
Fractal Analysis
Using GP regression methods to identify and analyze oscillatory motions in the cloud size distribution measured from a simulated cloud field using a high-resolution large-eddy simulation.
Atmospheric Science
Machine Learning
A statistically more robust algorithm to estimate the cloud size distribution of a modelled cloud field.
Atmospheric Science
Numerical Analysis
A cloud-tracking algorithm based on trajectory clustering, data analysis and machine learning (in development).
A simple, customizable NLP project using TF-IDF to check for plagiarism.
Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing
Teaching (TA)
Computer Science (CPSC)
APSC 160
Computation in Engineering Design
Analysis and simulation, laboratory data acquisition and processing, measurement interfaces, engineering tools, computer systems organization, programming languages.
CPSC 110
Models of Computation
Physical and mathematical structures of computation. Boolean algebra and combinations logic circuits; proof techniques; functions and sequential circuits; sets and relations; finite state machines; sequential instruction execution.
Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (EOSC)
EOSC 340
Global Climate Change
Mechanisms and processes of past and future global environmental and climate change.
ATSC 113
Applied Meteorology
Atmospheric-science principles elucidated by case studies applied to snow sports, sailing, surfing, soaring, and flying.
Master of Data Science (DSCI)
DSCI 574
Spatial and Temporal Models
Time series. State space and change point detection. Hidden Markov Models. Gaussian processes.
DSCI 541
Privacy, Ethics, and Security
Privacy and data. Ethics boards, legal issues, licensing. Physical and logical data security, social engineering. Encryption, data anonymization, privacy-preserving techniques. Case studies.